A review by mirandax
Sleeping Giants by Sylvain Neuvel


Boy, I really didn't like this.

I picked it up because it kept being compared to Illuminae (which I love), but this book really didn't do it for me. I loved the concept, but hated the execution.
Thinking about it now, it might be because I'm such a character-driven reader, and I hated, absolutely despised, these characters. They all felt bland and boring, they spoke the same way, and were all really unprofessional for the most part?? Even though they were all supposed to be professionals?? I don't know. It didn't work for me.

Also, because this book is only interviews, it didn't flow nicely for me. Nothing felt natural. To me, anyway.

If you're plot driven, you might like this. It just wasn't for me.
It took me three weeks to finish it, so it's safe to say I won't pick up the sequel.