A review by somarostam
Phantom by Laura DeLuca


I have never read The Phantom Of The Opera, many of my friends said it was good, but I never gave it the chance. After reading this book, I am definitely going to read The Phantom of The Opera. I cannot begin to describe this book, it's a mix between horribly beautiful and magically creative.
Rebecca's obsession was always the musical "Phantom of The Opera", when her high school chooses the Phantom as their annual production, she jumps at the chance. With her exotic voice, she gets to play the role of the heroine, Christine, who is caught between the darkly seductive Phantom and the rich lord who are both in love with her.
What Rebecca didn't know is that her life was about to mirror the famous play. She is caught between the two boys, the mysterious, seductive, Gothic Justyn and the All-American jock,Tom. What's more? Someone is turning the scenes from Phantom into reality, and is using verses from the musical to threaten Rebecca. It could have been a joke but people are ending up dead in Phantom style.
Can Rebecca stop the series of deaths? Can she find out who is threatening her? And who willl che choose: Tom or Justyn? Find out much more when you read this terrifying, ground-breaking read, Phantom...
I liked this book very much! Laura Deluca took the original idea of the play. She twisted and turned the idea like an elastic band to produce this electrifying version of The Phantom. I have to say that the characters are all very typical, some of them are even one-dimensional. Like, I don't know anything about Rebecca's life outside the school. She doesn't speak about her parents, her house nor anything else outside of the play and the rehearsals and her two love interests.
The story is unique and the writing style of the author is organized, I liked it! This book is really terrifying and horrible, in a good way. The end is really scary and the phantom will end up being someone you haven't expected AT ALL! Although this book won't make it to my top favorite books, it is still a wonderful addition to my reading list, you better try this or you're missing out!