A review by s_jay
Mama's Boy: A Story from Our Americas by Dustin Lance Black


I don't think 5 stars are enough.

The writing has this ability to completely immerse you in the emotions of the people and the picture it is painting. On many occasions it held me on the verge of tears and more than once it broke the dam.

This book isn't just a message on the importance of bridging differences. It is a message of solidarity. It is a message of the strength we hold in our beliefs and the strength we hold in our love. It speaks of the importance of family and our roots and that we will always carry them around with us wherever we go.

The battle between family and self is something that many are familiar with and in the culture I have been raised in, family is priority. So reading about that same conflict and being able to relate to that internal battle is something I found quite magical and memorable.

The connection of parent and child and the feeling of guilt when you think you have failed them is an emotion not too foreign to me so on many occasions, the feelings portrayed really hit home. And the well placed humour brought out a good chuckle, really breaking up what otherwise would have been a very emotionally heavy book to read.