A review by _ashton_reads_
The Love Study by Kris Ripper


I LOVED the diversity in this, and it was such a nice, light-hearted romance that was great to pick up if you want a sweet and uncomplicated romance. This is also, sadly, why I couldn't give it above 3 stars.

I enjoyed the characters and the representation, I just felt like I wanted something...more. I didn't really believe the physical or emotional chemistry between Declan and Sidney. It seemed to happen very easily and organically, but without any type of spark or strong emotion (other than the expected curve ball of angst thrown in at the very end and then quickly resolved). I guess I just wanted more build up and connection between them. It wasn't a "bad" book by ANY means, it just left me feeling neutral. I'd definitely give this author another try in the future, and I am so grateful for authors such as Ripper because the more LGBTQIA+ romance rep we can get, the better!

***Huge thank you to Netgalley for providing me with a free copy in exchange for an honest review***