A review by booksaremyfavorite
The Clasp by Sloane Crosley


Victor is a car crash. It's hard to read, I find myself wincing through it like I'm watching a Ben Stiller comedy.
The dialogue is decent and reminiscent of the tone of the author's nonfiction essays, which I loved.
The plot is interesting if not unbelievable at times.
I'm more than halfway through and don't see how Victor is going to turn into a redeemable character or have anything resolved by the end, short of deus ex machina.

spoiler: he doesn't. but it sounds like from reading the author's note at the end, that's sort of the point? I don't know. meh. it seems like white privilege is the deus ex machina, with no acknowledgment that this is the case, which is a little more self-absorbed than I can take in present times.