A review by a_reader_obsessed
Cask Strength by Layla Reyne


3.5 Stars

A solid sequel continuing 5 months later with Aidan and Jamie’s work partnership flourishing as they successfully solve cases, while Aidan remains under the impresssion that their “sex only” arrangement is keeping his heart safe.

What I liked:
You can’t help but smile when it comes to the hot loving these two always have a jonesing for. The chemistry is spot on if not just a tad bit OTT.

What niggled:
Rant time. I get it it. Aidan is hell bent on protecting his tender bruised heart. He’s convinced himself that if he doesn’t make the commitment out loud, if he isn’t monogamous (worriers should know that he does date around but never sleeps with anyone else), if he tells himself over and over again that being with Jamie is just “casual”, then he won’t and can’t get hurt ever again.

One. Love doesn’t work that way. Ever.
Two. Love doesn’t work that way. Ever.

What I hope for:
This ends with the imploding truth that Jamie has been keeping from Aidan regarding his dead husband, and it remains to be seen what the consequences are to his and Aidan’s future. These sorts of conflicts are not typically things I enjoy in my romance but again, all plausible, all understandable. I’m definitely looking forward to the bad guy, who has caused so much hurt and continues to cause so much damage in his wake, get his much needed comeuppance. We will see what the repercussions are and how deep the rabbit hole goes.

So, in between the main mystery that is driving this trilogy this still delivers on some great, albeit frustrating, romantic smexy! Off to the finale!