A review by classicbhaer
The Wolf Wilder by Katherine Rundell


What first caught my attention was the fact that this book took place prior to the Russian Revolution, an era I studied at university quite a bit. Also, the fact that this book dealt with wolves, an animal I admire almost as much as owls.

This book follows a young girl named Feodora who has grown up in the wilderness of Russia with her mother who are related to a long line of wolf wilders. One day her world is shaken apart when a man of stature in the Tsars military warns them to stop or face the consequences. They do not heed his warning and Feodora has to fight back with her wolves and new friends to find justice.

This book is a fast paced adventure through the Russian wilderness. At only 240 pages (my edition) the author fills each page with surprises and some revolutionary ideas. This growth of Feodora from a wild girl to a girl is touching. She goes from only socializing with her mother and her wolves to meeting and trusting others she meets along her journey. While she is still young she has a lot of growing to do she does a decent amount within the book. Additionally, some of the historical tidbits such as the tsars son being ill, letting the military have free reign in some areas and the discontent within the country which allowed the ideas of Marx spread. Obviously some things are not 100% accurate, but the author does a great job of integrating these ideas in her book.

I think this is a fabulous book, I read it in a single day, which I have not done in some time. I gave this book a 5/5 stars, according to goodreads as of right now it has a rating of 4.10 stars. If you are interested in Wolves, family, growth, wolves, and the wilderness or just an all around quality quick read I highly recommend.