A review by leabookjoy
Fantasy of Flight by Kelly St. Clare


HOLY SHIT this book !!!
A book in a completely different setting from the previous book : we knew the Palace of Osolis and of Glacium but there we discovered a new aspect of Glacium : the slums !!
Lina is no more a princess, she built her own life as Frost, a fighter in illegal fights. And I LOVE to see her evolving to become more Frost (although she was already a badass before, it was fun to see her gain confidence in herself =)), making friends while still investigating the death of Kendrick .
And if I had loved her companions in the first book (especially Rhone and Malir) I ADORE meeting the fighters (Avalanche, Shard, Blizzard, Ice, Flurry and all other but also Willow, Crystal, Sin ...) They were all so much funny !! And I love to see them evolving, they are not only some characters there to highlight the main characters, they all have their own importance (eg Prince Ashawn that grew up a lot !!)
I loved the scene in the arena, how Frost managed it and it was fun to see both her worlds collided ><
In this book, her relationship with Jovan evolved a lot, took a new meaning and a new depth and I must admit I sooo love them : they are natural, they say bullshit, they argue, they reconcile ... In short, I love it =D
In short, I'm totally going to read the next book ><
PS: The scene where she defies Jovan while wearing her leather suit and he realizes that Lina and Frost are the same person ... PRICELESS <3