A review by novella42
More Tales of the City by Armistead Maupin


I don't know why I got stubborn about finishing this. But my library app offered an abridged version and I was able to get through it in half the time of the full book. It was an interesting experiment from a writer's perspective, to notice what Maupin cut for the abridged version and how much more I preferred the version that omitted excess detail. I realize now that the punchy poignant quality I enjoyed in the first book was probably because I accidentally read the abridged version of that, too.

I finished it in spite of the racism and transphobia, some of which the author seemed to be attempting to address in his own way in 1980, and some of which seemed to be flying under his radar (as did all the ableism). It seemed to be aiming for lighthearted, but for me landed in melodrama. The storyline of the character with PTSD and another character with a disability were handled with textbook ableism tropes that made me feel so tired. 

There were some good moments. I think, in its own way, the depiction of a trans character was more complex and respectful than I would've expected for 1980. I was glad for that, though less glad for lines like "transsexuals can't be sexist." 

Anyway. It was a piece of queer history, and I do feel like I have a little more insight into why the queer community is the way it is, when books like this were one of a few rare guiding lights for many in a desert of any sort of representation.

I was going to try reading all these before watching the 2019 Netflix adaptation. I enjoyed the 1992 show, which I found streaming for free. Now I can see what the rest of the series might cost me in terms of sanity points, I think I'll just skip them and go right to the show. Elliott Page is part of that production, so it'll probably be a pretty safe bet, right?

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