A review by shogins
Hot in Here by Sophie Renwick


This was TERRIBLE. I don't know where I came across it to add to my to-read list, but I sort of want to remove everything from the same source. All the conflict is because characters can't be honest about what they want which might be realistic but is boring to read about. Plus it wasn't even sexy, which is key for contemporary romance/erotica.

From the very beginning, there's some "she's not like other girls" bullshit: "Jenna was different. A different kind of woman from Chrissy and all the nameless others. Jenna was comfortable. Someone you could just hang around with while tossing back a few beers. She wasn't one of these high-drama types." SHUT THE FRONT DOOR with this cool girl bullshit. Towards the end, a character again describes her as "a natural beauty without needing to be all made up", which as a woman who doesn't wear makeup, let me tell you most women who look like that are wearing a lot of it, they are just talented at putting it on. Also the male main character, Bryce, later judges her for having a box of condoms in her home. So we're judging people who are careful and safe now? That doesn't make you slutty, it makes you responsible.