A review by mom2three
A Court of Fire and Metal by Meg Xuemei X


This book is everything I expected and more! Cass is such a fabulous character. She is a walking contradiction, and I love her for it. One moment she is mature beyond her years, and the next she is like a spoiled teenager. She is stubborn and demanding, and then she turns around and surprises you with her generosity. She is exactly how I imagine someone who had been kept locked up for years would be. She wants to experience everything right now, and then worries about the future. Her relationships with her men are progressing at a perfect pace and I love that each of them appeal to a different part of her personality. They have figured out that she won't be bossed around and she isn't afraid to remind them of that fact when they forget. They mostly just sit back and let her do her thing, which leads to many humorous moments. There are also moments of steamy passion, danger and excitement, and lots of eating. Cass is learning more and more about her powers. She is making new friends, and new enemies, and discovering that things aren't exactly how she thought they were. After reading this one, I'm left with more questions than answers. Who can Cass trust? Who isn't being totally honest? What powers has she still not discovered? Who will stand with her and who will be against in this battle for the world? And the most pressing question, will anyone ever stand between her and her cake? Inquiring minds want to know! I can't wait for the next one and I think EVERYONE should read this book!