A review by ryanpfw
151 Days by John Goode


Incredibly strong.

The world is a depressing place, seeming more depressing every day. I could say this book isn’t entirely believable, that it’s naively optimistic, but as I write this, that works in its favor. It’s about Kyle Stilleno deciding to make the world a better place, being the one pebble in the pond, and succeeding. It’s messy. Not everyone survives. But it’s inspirational, and as the final chapter shows, it makes life just a little bit easier for someone else.

I adore the shit out of this series.

One plot point to add is we jump from narrator to narrator, backing up in time to bring us up to speed on the plot from their perspective. At times that jumbled me up as I was reading other books at the time, and sometimes you desperately wanted to see what happened but had to effectively start over and wait to catch up, but honestly, it works. These are well layered, fully realized characters in the end. Great stuff.