A review by lukre
The Secret Servant by Daniel Silva


I love Daniel Silva - such simple writing but so rich in ideas. There are some amazing insights into the world of global politics and power struggles.
And reading it from today's perspective, with all the unrest in the Middle-East and the rise of new militant groups like ISIS, this books is prophetic at times.
In addition to this, it is also so much fun at times. You just want to keep reading and reading. It keeps you on the edge of your seat and at times it even makes you almost vomit with all the raw violence...

I'll definitely keep on reading this series.

“But I’ve come to realize that this continent is dying a slow death. Europe is receding quietly into history. It’s old and tired, and its young are so pessimistic about the prospects of the future they refuse to have enough children to ensure their own survival. They believe in nothing but their thirty-five-hour workweek and their August vacation.”

"A spy's life, he thought. Mind-numbing boredom broken by brief interludes of sheer terror."