A review by u_0
Waves by Ingrid Chabbert



I really thought I was going to love this one, but it was just ok. I feel bad critiquing it but to be honest I think I irrationally hate this book. For some reason, it made me very mad. I feel bad saying that and giving it 2.5 stars, but hey that's honest. I'm not rating the authors experience, I'm rating the book and my enjoyment of it. I'm happy this book exists, I just personally didn't like it.

I loved the queer (I assume) pregnancy rep but I struggled to connect to the characters or the story. The pregnant woman's partner was my favorite character because she was at least given a few character traits but sadly I didn't like the main character. Obviously everything about the author's story is valid but all of the narrative devices and imagery used felt so cliched and I really struggled to care. There was some unacknowledged privilege that didn't help. I.e. Being able to fly to Greece on a whim, pursue writing without worrying about money, or even being able to afford IVF (which I'm assuming is how they conceived). It's hard to explain but the whole thing felt pretentious without offering any substance. Even the author blurb of how the author has written "about sixty children's books and is currently growing a new readership through her first foray into graphic novels" rubbed me the wrong way. The book flap also advertises this book in a series of "visionary creators" which I thought was a stretch.

It didn't bring up anything new or depict anything in a new way for me compared to other books I've read on the topic. Maybe it was the translation but some of the lines felt very fake deep and at points didn't make any sense. I didn't get anything out of it that wasn't surface level. At least to me, it didn't have any thought provoking moments or things to say besides showing the events of the book. The art style was also fine, I didn't find it that appealing. 

It's petty but I get really annoyed about author self insert characters that are writers, and this book features that trope heavily. Even though the couple was queer, the book wasn't as intersectional as I thought it would be and again, didn't have anything to say?

 So, summary: 
I was overall pretty disappointed. If you're looking for books on miscarriage or pregnancy, this could be a good jumping off point but I didn't like it for some reason.

The most relatable thing was the one line of casual medical gaslighting when the male doctor said "No more need to cry. It's no use..." 

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