A review by bookmarklit
Hotel Ruby by Suzanne Young


Hmmmm. Definitely mixed. I had a couple of theories, which ended up being true, and usually that doesn't bode well for thrillers. I'm very bad at predicting things in general. Super entertaining and addicting, but felt like a mash-up of these two other things (not mentioning because spoilers) I've read/seen/etc.

I don't want to spoil anything by referencing other books and movies that I've read/seen, in case you've read/seen them too... but I know that if I hadn't read/seen those THINGS, I would have never predicted anything in this book.
SpoilerSo, one: this book reminded me of Tower of Terror, the wonderful Disney movie I watch every Halloween. A LOT of the plot is similar, oddly enough, so I really saw too many things coming. Aaaand two: Shadowlands by Kate Brian. The ending of the first book is the same as the major plot twist at the end of this one.
Sooo yeah, I was able to predict everything :(

Aside from that, I enjoyed this one! The book was addicting and quick. I really couldn't put it down and read it in a few sittings. It was super atmospheric; the setting of the hotel was literally like another character. I'm not big on creepy or scary books, but this one did a great job of being JUST enough creepy for someone like me.

I love Suzanne Young's writing style. I know that she's an author I will read and appreciate for just about ever. I know that her stories will be fast, addicting, entertaining, and (generally) unique.