A review by shreyas1599
The Doctor by John Nicholl


I was not at all a fan of the writing. There were so many bits and pieces that could’ve been written way more better.

For examples, this statement made an appearance in several different forms.

“Right, come on, man”

“Come on man, get on with it, get on with it”

“Come on man, get a grip”

“Stay positive, man, stay positive”

I don’t really see the point of this line making an appearance as many times as it did throughout the story. It just reeks of sub-standard writing and was a major turn-off while reading the story.

Here’s another example:

“The bitch mother didn’t suspect a thing”

I understand the intent behind the statement but again it just doesn’t cut it. There are several different ways to echo the perpetrator’s sentiment that could be phrased in a much more eloquent manner.

The entire persona of the doctor is all of the stereotypical characteristics of a psychopath that one can think of, along with him being a hype-man for himself. I know in general, people do hype up themselves from time to time (albeit here for nefarious reasons), but I’m not entirely confident that it’s the best way to echo the sentiment in a novel. There’s just better ways to show don’t tell.

I’ll give the story itself some leverage in terms of it being fast-paced. But that’s where it ends. You could see the ending and progression of the story from a mile away including the redemption aspect of it.

I read a story for either the plot or the writing style. At least one of them needs to be good. This one didn’t have either of them going for it except the fast paced nature of it.

Unfortunately, I’d give this one a pass.