A review by aiyshasbookrealm
Possessed by C.N. Crawford


The last book in the series. This novel took a few more days to read than the other two books in the series, both of which I read within a few hours. This was because I really didn’t want the series to finish. I loved the dynamic of the two main characters Lila and Samael and the chemistry between them. Lila herself is a badass character who I couldn’t help but support and admire as she took no crap from anyone and her journey is a spectacular one.

The only reason I took off a star is that I felt that some parts of the book were very predictable such as the whole part where Lila is taken with the note as it just wasn’t as gripping as other scenes in the novel. This part of the book was one of the reasons it took so long to finish as I just kept getting infuriated at the characters and the mediocrity of those plot points. It wasn’t a large part of the book but I felt it slightly ruined the dynamic of the story as I loved the rest of the novel.

Overall, I highly recommend this series and definitely see myself rereading this in the future.