A review by laurel00
Bound in Flesh: An Anthology of Trans Body Horror by Lor Gislason

dark tense fast-paced
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes



This. This is why I love the horror genre. This is why I never shut up about it. This is what the craft is all about.

I'm so ridiculously obsessed with this anthology. I don't ever reread books really, because I always have a million more things to pick up instead. But I know for a fact that as soon as I receive my physical copy, I'm getting right back into it.

There is so much depth to every single one of these stories. Specific passages or scenes or general ideas that relate so beautifully and horrifyingly to the trans and queer experience: my mind was racing the entire time trying to pick up on every single metaphor, all the allegories and the symbolism. There is so much that I could say about every story in this collection and I know that every time I reread them I will have even more to gush about.

It was disgusting, it was terrifying, it was heartbreaking, it was beautiful. The reason it took me 2 weeks to finish this book was that every time I would finish a story, I would have to set it down and just stare into the void, mouth agape, trying to process what I had just read. I mean, it is truly a bone chilling and nausea inducing collection and I loved it with every inch of my being.

I really cannot recommend this enough. I admit that it might be a bit much for someone who has never read horror or isn't a big fan of the genre. Even I needed 3-4 business days between some of these stories just to absorb what had happened. But if you're a horror buff like me, then you 10000% need to pick this up, it is so incredibly worth it.