A review by alexblackreads
Fast Girl: A Life Spent Running from Madness by Suzy Favor Hamilton


I found this book really enlightening. No, it's not something you want to read for amazing writing, but the subject matter and the way she spoke about it really touched me. She speaks so frankly of all her flaws and mistakes, and I'm sure she received lots of hate for this book. It was a really brave thing to do. She doesn't try to pretend she was better than she was, and owns up to everything she did. No, she's not likable for most of this. She was struggling with mental illness that changed who she was. The fact that she was so straight forward about everything and really explained what she went through and what she was thinking made this book for me. I really enjoyed it and hope she's doing better now.

Also, this is minor thing, but I do like that she made a point to be supportive of sex workers. It's honestly such a rare thing and I was so appreciative of it.