A review by plottrysts
Four Weeks of Scandal by Megan Frampton


A really nice low-angst romance between a straight-laced (but secretly a little alpha) scholar and a spontaneous gambling hell owner who have a shared past. You see, Octavia's father and Gabriel's father were inveterate gamblers who constantly wagered their possessions. Once upon a time, Octavia's father even put her up as the stakes in a bet with Gabriel's father - and the outcome would have been a marriage between the two. Now, years later, Gabriel and Octavia have both lost their fathers. They also both believe that they have a claim on Octavia's father's property.

Since possession is nine tenths of the law, neither is willing to move out of the property, leading to a glorious fake relationship. They pretend to be engaged while they fix up the house and Octavia looks through the rest of her late father's possessions. Of course, fake engagements lend each other to a lot of scandalous encounters (you have to make that chemistry look real, right?), which then lead to emotional revelations and more.

There's not a lot that goes on in this book, but it's a delightful way to spend a couple of hours. It's not quite as steamy as some of Frampton's other books, but the understated love story and the ultimate resolution are both very satisfying.

22-Word Summaries:

Laine: When your deal with the devil comes due, make a bargain with a man who's hotter than sin. Let the cards fall.

Meg: In debt but can’t ask the two dukes in your family for help? Cash in on Daddy’s inheritance … if you can!

This objective review is based on a complimentary copy of the novel.