A review by erothoniel
The Geography of Thought: How Asians and Westerners Think Differently...and Why by Richard Nisbett


This book was an enjoyable read.

Supposedly I could qualify as a scientist-in-making of first level, but my fields of study are not psychology. That being said, I did understand the problems and solutions expressed in this book.

The notion of differences in the way people think are not some miracle idea of recent years - we are being told from early age that no person is the same as the person sitting next to you, still the concepts of such profound diversity between West and East are somewhat novel.
I especially enjoyed how the author connected it to the way we talk, bringing up the year old problem of how language works.

Also this book really made me think about how I myself... think. I most definitely will try to find other sources of information about cognitive theories, thanks to this introduction in that field of study.