A review by bhnmt61
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang by Ian Fleming


I’ve seen the Dick Van Dyke movie version of this book more times than I can count, it is a family favorite. So I wasn’t sure I would enjoy the book, but it did not disappoint. The first half is fairly similar to the film, except there is no romance- Mr Potts is married from the start and the mom is involved in all the adventures. But there is no trip to a magical land where all the children are imprisoned— just a more pedestrian bunch of slapstick bad guys, who are defeated with the help of a certain magical car. If you’re trying to judge the level of violence for your kids, the “bad guys” are about the same level as the incompetent bumblers in the original 101 Dalmatians movie. The children are kidnapped at one point but they are never in any real danger. I thought it was fun and passed the tedium of a long drive by myself, but it’s not a very sophisticated plot- prob good for ages 6-9, maybe a little younger if they’re interested in cars, or a little older if they are patient with books aimed at their younger siblings. I listened to the audiobook, which I highly recommend- the narrator is excellent, very enthusiastic and does a great job with all the car noises. Fun book.