A review by amothersmusings1
The Optician's Wife by Betsy Reavley


I have heard so much about Betsy Reavley and 'The Opticians Wife' from fellow book readers and friends I just had to read it for myself....and I was not disappointed!!
From the very first page the emotional tension I was feeling was palpable, drawing me in further and further, you just knew there was a underlying story buried beneath the chapters. The threatening atmosphere had me frustrated and stunned at what goes on behind closed doors.
The Opticians Wife is about quiet, shy, unassuming 17 year old Deborah who is working in Woolworths when she meets Larry an older trainee Optometrist whilst sitting in the park during her lunch hour. A passionate turbulent relationship commences and Deborah soon falls under Larry's controlling spell. They are both unlikeable and very disturbing characters (just what you want in a story like this) in and if you love dark, twisted and gruesome psychological thrillers you will speed through this!
This book will stay with me a very long time and I will certainly be reading more from Betsy.