A review by laplatts
Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom


I've always heard good things about this book. I knew from the outset it would be a difficult read- death and grief is never an easy subject and I knew that becoming a part of Mitch and Morrie's journey would be harder because we would have to watch Morrie's inevitable decline.

I was truly moved by the courage and wisdom with which Morrie faced down his diagnosis and eventual death. I'm almost certain that if he was told that I thought he was brave he would laugh and deny it, but it is the truth. Morrie was brave. The story as told by Albom is beautiful, tragic, funny and uplifting. There is something to take away for everyone, but I think the simplest and most straightforward thing that we can change today to make the world a better place is to take Morrie's advice of: "Love or die."