A review by bookshelflawyer
The Score by Elle Kennedy


Just as the previous books in this series, I enjoyed this one greatly. The first book is still my favorite, but Dean is a strong second place title holder for my favorite Briar U guy. 

Dean was an enjoyable character and honestly, I had looked forward to his book the more I saw him in the first two. He was just as chaotic and annoying as I expected him to be, so I was please. This book being his was positive for me. Allie was more complicated of a character for me to be interested in. I didn’t dislike her, far from it, but warming up to her took some time. It felt like there was a level of getting continuously frustrated with her. I did like her far more in her own book than I did with her as a background character. 

Closer to the end of the book, I was less than pleased with Allie, just because of how she dealt with the whole partner grieving process. It seemed very dismissive. Certainly, address the harmful issues, but it did feel like she wrote Dean off completely because he couldn’t just be better following a death. Still, I was glad to see her get her happy ending.

The two of them as a couple took some warming up to as well. I enjoy hookup to lovers as much as the next person, but with Dean constantly asking to hook up again and Allie denying him over and over only to finally give it, by the time she did I was over it. There was also a lot of denying of feelings that one would expect in this sort of a relationship, but Dean and Allie were hitting it a little too hard. One can hardly go on little dates and still even tell themselves that NOTHING is going on. After seeing it multiple times, it got a little old. They did get themselves together though, and really that’s all that matters in a romance book. The relationship reveal was also pretty darn funny. 

Still, overall this was a fun and quick read. I don’t regret reading it one bit and I look forward to diving back into the series for more of my Briar University boys!