A review by shonaningyo
Invisible by Pete Hautman


(I've decided to write a small review in light of the fact I chose to re-read this book for my English class's literature circle).

Doug is a socially awkward, literal-minded middle school student who is basically ignored by everyone but a super popular kid in his own grade named Andy. Doug asserts himself when he says that he and Andy are like this --(crosses fingers)---....close, I mean... Ahem.

But there's more to Doug's relationship with Andy than meets the eye, and as your read on, you'll find that there's something dark and sinister and potentially lethal he's hidden so far away within himself that even he has forgotten, forgotten about the "Tuttle Incident"....

Spoiler Personally, I thought that perhaps Doug was an Aspie, that is, someone with Asperger's Syndrome, because of his inability to communicate with his classmates, his rants on his favorite subjects--basically trains, train models, and the Golden Gate Bridge he's making a miniature model of--as well as his straight, to the point, and literal minded way of looking at things. I also thought that what people saw as symptoms of schizophrenia (him more than likely seeing Andy as a hallucination) was to me just a case of PTSD from the Tuttle incident, his mind's way of coping with the fact that Andy is dead and gone from his life, or simply just an illusion that Doug sees everyday without having warning bells go off in his head like say, veterans with PTSD would have. But to each his own.. I think this is my own idea, I doubt anyone has interpreted Doug's undeniable mental illness as him being autistic with a dash of PTSD, but this sort of diagnostic thing isn't my forte, plus stuff like this overlaps, doesn't it? It's really guessing in my opinion, but whatevers!

His father screams like a maniac; I hate people like that, people who think that JUST BECAUSE YOU SHOUT LIKE THIS YOUR SIDE OF THE ARGUMENT IS AUTOMATICALLY RIGHT!!!!! RAWR!!!! Ahem, Doug's dad never "rawred", I just added that for the funsies :D

Anyways, his mother is scatterbrained, and Doug himself is an obsessive little mite by himself. Plus he doesn't take his medication! Idiot child! You don't ever stop taking your medication! Even if it does more harm than good--in your stupid, child's opinion. Have you done at least 10 years of research and training to be able to perscribe people medication for their problems? No? Then don't stop taking them. I don't care if they make you super sleepy like horse tranquilizers, take them, wait until the next appointment, and then say, "Hey quack, these things are shit, fo' realz yo. I need me something a little lighter, kno' what I'm sayin'?" WARNING: Do not say this. Results are 1/10000 that the psychiatrist will actually take you seriously, let alone give you different medication

So the kid's an idiot, and probably a little loopy, but this is a good book overall. I highly recommend for literature circles that focus on "Mental Illness" as the theme.

Spoiler And did you guys see how Doug's sigil transformed and morphed as he slowly went more and more insane? When I look at the very last one for too long I feel queasy and my eyes go funny.. I can friggin SEE and FEEL the mental illness Doug is basically oozing out of his pores... my eyes are screaming "look away, or you'll go crazy too!!"

It reminds me of this guy, Louis Wain, who descended into schizophrenia. He was an artist and loved to paint kitties. This link will show you his descent into madness, and how his artwork reflects the corruption of his senses...
crazy ass kitties