A review by purple_reads
The Lavender Phantom by Lainey Delaroque


Sophie Taylor is just trying to live her life without having to worry one hundred times a day. Being an independent woman who works in a fast food place has its trivialities and her fears for her younger sister have grown worse. She just wants to be able to provide for her family while keeping herself out of trouble. But, of course, that is impossible when a mysterious employer offers her a job carrying out a task that she did in a life she is trying to forget.

I was pleasantly surprised when I read this as I wasn’t expecting to be gripped by the first few chapters.

The world building was great and the sense of mystery during the first half definitely kept me hooked. That would have to be my favourite aspect of this book as the action and mystery was exciting and interesting to read about, especially as you delve into the club itself and more questions appear.

My only problem was the love interest. He was just overly cliche and I felt like he had no personality whatsoever since he seemingly didn’t develop one because he relied on his looks. A lot of the time he was cringe to read about and I struggled to get through some of the more intimate scenes with him and Sophie because of this.

However, this is an great debut book and I did enjoy reading it.

Stars ~ 3.5

I voluntarily reviewed an advance complimentary copy of this book.