A review by leigh_darling
Hive & Heist by Janine A. Southard


**spoiler free review**
This book starts right were the last one left off, something that rarely happens. I love it when that happens, it makes everything that occurs feel like it is Universe level important which makes it easier to read. This second volume did not have to take so long world-building so it got moving and to the heart of the action more quickly. I read it in just under 5 hours.

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I don’t often marathon a book and even less often do I marathon a book in the middle of a college semester. This book required it, I had to know what happened, I had to find out how things were tied together, how the new characters were going to fit in with the old, how lingering issues were going to be resolved. I needed to know more than I needed to do coursework and as I’ve said, I have no regrets.
I was pleased with the plotline in a way that is not often achieved in novels that are part of a larger work: the plot was self-contained but still moved the larger issue forward seamlessly. It is not common to have that happen and I love it when it does happen. It makes it feel like there is hope for this big thing to be solved but it is not the only thing going on, much as in real life.

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I am excited to see where this story leads, what further adventures await our characters and who will join them. I am not in a hurry to solve the big issue, I am content with the speed things are currently moving. That pretty much never happens, I always what resolution NOW. I love that in this case, I am happy.

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