A review by meginlove
The Bluff by Willa Nash, Devney Perry


Let me start off by saying I love grumpy heroes. They’re honestly my favorite because as we continue to read, watching their walls come down is so much sweeter. Having said that, Hux hurt MY feelings. Now don’t get me wrong, I completely understand that he’s got a lot of emotional damage but I was honestly convinced that he was never going to come around. Talk about emotionally unavailable. By the time I hit the halfway mark and he was still closed off af I was sweating. Like come on man we only have 50% left for your icy heart to melt and then sufficiently grovel. I really did love the plot, I just wish this man would’ve been nicer. I am weak okay and if a man acted the was Hux did I would literally just cry lol. I also was about to swing on Savannah. I apologize to my parents if I was that sassy at 16. Alas, that extended epilogue has me like WHERE IS SAVANNAH AND TRAVIS’S BOOK???