A review by bookdragon22
The Girl from Far Away by Jennifer Austin


I fell in love with the idea of this book as soon as I read the description, and the cover is beautiful. I’m going to be honest and say it took me a little while to get in to the story, although it might have been because of the writing style I wasn’t entirely used to. But I still found myself thinking about this book in between being able to read it.

Biack seems both dystopian and futuristic, in contrast with Earth, and while the fantasy feeling was similar to other things I’ve read, the way it was written and described in this book felt amazing. The realistic views on pressure, feeling out of place, and needing a sense of escapism, belonging and comfort were so well written too.

“People are complicated. They’re more than ticks in a box.”
“fitting in isn’t belonging. You can’t belong to a label or a place or a value.” “People are too complicated to be defined by something so vague.”
“How do I find my people, my place, my home?” - “You build it.”

- I loved this whole conversation, it felt so real and empowering and inspiring.

I love the connection felt between Jess and Ella, and the character dynamics within their group made me want to find out everything I could about them. It was almost like a found family idea and I love each of them individually, as well as how easily they play off each other. I’m so excited to read more of this story and to see where it takes these characters I loved so quickly.