A review by redhairedashreads
Magic Tides & Magic Claims by Ilona Andrews


<b>Magic Tides</b>
<b>Series:</b> Kate Daniels: Wilmington Years #1
<b>Rating:</b> 4 stars - It was really good

Kate, Curran, and their son, Conlan have left Atlanta and have settled into Wilmington. Their plan to keep a low profile quickly gets abandoned when Kate finds that a child has been kidnapped. While Kate hunts the kidnappers, Curran and Conlan protect their new home and the people within it. 

I am so happy that we are getting more Kate and Curran stories. She is no longer the reckless hunter we first met, she is now a mother to an extremely smart 8 year old shifter. She has learned to temper some of her responses but she is still as deadly as ever. I love that motherhood hasn’t changed Kate’s deadly nature, if anything it's made her even more ruthless. 

Curran may no longer be the Beast Lord but he is still the leader and protector he always was. I loved seeing him teach Conlan and praise him for his abilities. Curran and Kate definitely have a very strong marriage and I love how they trust each other, especially when it comes to fighting. 

Wilmington seems to be an interesting town filled with some powerful people. The kidnapper provided an interesting challenge for Kate. I enjoyed seeing her think on her feet and fight using her abilities. I feel like we barely got to see that in the previous series and now she has no problem utilizing everything she has learned. It made for a very fast paced and interesting battle. Overall, I love this and can't wait for more books in this series. 

<b> Magic Claims</b>
<b>Series:</b> Kate Daniels: Wilmington Years #2
<b>Rating:</b> 5 stars - I loved it!

Well this was just as amazing as I was hoping. Kate and Curran may have settled into a new low profile life but they quickly realize that it will never stay that way. When they are asked to save a town held hostage by a mysterious evil they find themselves fighting an unexpected enemy and reevaluating their lives. 

Kate and Curran continue to be one of my all time favorite couples. With each book I continue to fall more in love with these two and this book just continued that feeling. I loved seeing these two have frank discussions about their lives and how they made difficult decisions in the past that were necessary at the time but not exactly right in the long run. It’s wonderful to read an urban fantasy where I don’t have to worry about relationship troubles because these two are solid and completely understand each other. Also, I love how these two accept each other how they are and have never tried to change each other. 

The evil in this book was extremely interesting. The magic and shifters introduced in this book was very unexpected and really kept me on the edge of my seat. Not only are we continuing to get new magic and creatures, but they continue to expand this world by introducing new towns and people. I am always amazed at this world that Ilona Andrews has created and how they continue to expand upon it.

Overall, this was an action packed book that I couldn’t put down. I am very eager to see what will happen next for Kate and Curran, especially since they are no longer trying to hide away. Also, I really hope we see more of Conlan in the future because he continues to be a very interesting child and I love how these two are raising him.