A review by carolpk
The Suicide Motor Club by Christopher Buehlman

The Hook Picked this one up at a flea market for a buck. Think I thought it was something else entirely but read a few pages and...

The Line - ”If marriages didn't need divine assistance to survive, weddings wouldn't be held in churches.”

The Sinker - From the fly leaf ”Bram Stoker, quoting the ballad “Lenore,” said, “The dead travel fast.” OK, now I got it, this is horror, pure and not so simple, at times rearing its goriest head. Though the engine starts slowly, this motor is revving beyond control in a matter of pages.

Beginning quite innocently, Judith Lamb looks at her son Glendon seated in the backseat of the car and asks ”DID YOU SEE THE MOON?” Busy coloring and dedicated to the task at hand it takes more prodding for him to answer. Finally gaining his attention these two view the moon while Mr. Lamb purrs down Route 40. Out of nowhere, breaking the sanctity of this peaceful night, a Black Camaro pulls along side them and in the blink of your eye Glendon is pulled from their vehicle and good is replaced with evil forever.

The Suicide Motor Club pulls no punches in its graphic delivery. It s vivid violence was almost too much for me. I was tempted to stop but after reading a few more reviews, both professional and from GR friends, decided to continue. Good writing, a plot that works, character development that is top notch, it fits the horror genre solidly. If I had chosen this at the right time, it might have been a 5 star read.

Someone compared Christopher Buehlman to Stephen King. In the character of one Luther Nixon, a man who loves to talk, I can see the nod to King. Make no mistake though, The Suicide Motor Club is Buehlman's own, an original, fast paced, all out horrifying read. I couldn't wait for the sun to rise.