A review by scoutmomskf
Fearless by HelenKay Dimon


Very good book with plenty of action and emotion. When Lara stumbled onto a murder scene she ran to the only person she knew who could protect her - her ex-fiance. This was intense right from the beginning. After Lara fled from the first attack to Davis's house for help, they were under constant threat. I really enjoyed seeing all the things that went into keeping them safe. I also found the mystery of who was behind it all fascinating to discover. I loved seeing the research they did and how hard they all worked to figure it out. It was especially satisfying to have Lara figure out what they were searching for. The final confrontation was very good with an interesting twist. I loved meeting all of the team members and look forward to their stories.

The rekindling of the romance between Lara and Davis wasn't hard. They had never stopped loving each other but there were some serious issues that they had to deal with. Lara loved Davis but was tired of his job keeping them apart. It seemed to her that everything else held more importance to him than she did. When she called him in tears needing him to come home he told her it would be a few days so she would have to wait. That was the last straw and she left him. During the current crisis she begins to see what he does and it opens her eyes somewhat. She realized that she had been trying to change the essence of who he was.

Davis had always loved Lara, but he found it hard to open up about some things. He never talked about his work to Lara, even the parts that could be shared. He and his brother had been orphaned young and were passed around to various relatives, never having a real family outside of each other. He had no problem with the idea of commitment to Lara and a life together but he had trouble understanding what her issues with him were. I loved it when his boss told him "You might want to go back over everything and see what you missed. There has to be a reason she gave up on you." He was floored when he found out why and finally began to see where he had gone wrong. I loved the way they finally came together.