A review by loubraryoftheforest
The French Photographer by Natasha Lester


A real ‘grabs you by the heart’ book, that I didn’t want to put down. I love a dual timeline and this one didn’t disappoint as we are flung from one era to another and back again, revealing the incredible story of a woman fighting to prove her talents in an age when men rule the world, and women are seen as toys to play with, objects of desire, and incapable of anything other than sex and homemaking. Based on real women and real events, this adds an extra element that just breaks my heart, to know how that generation fought to be heard, what they went through, what men put them through while their superiors turned a blind eye, we mustn’t lose their voices now. Alongside this we also have the story of war, of man’s suffering, and the light in the darkness, a man who leads his men with honour, bravery and respect, a man you just can’t help falling in love with. Both lead characters are just so brave and selfless, as heartache and tragedy inevitably follow them. Their story is revealed through them, and through the eyes of those who loved them. Loved this book. Only four stars as it was a little predictable at times, and the conclusion felt a little rushed, I can’t say more as it will spoil it, but overall I really enjoyed this read.