A review by booksforchristiangirls
Roped by DiAne N. Gates


About this book:

“Thirteen-year-old Crissy Crosby chases a dream to live up to her parents’ rodeo legacy. But the rodeo championship is two months away and problems beyond her ability to solve stack and teeter like a game of Tumbling-Towers. Meanwhile rival Jodie Lea and her father, Ed Fairgate, contrive to swipe the silver buckles from Crissy’s grasp any way they can. Prejudice, anger, and dark secrets simmer in a pot of family feuds destined to boil over in a tragic nightmare at the rodeo. Will Crissy develop courage and faith to overcome the consequences of her temper? Will her dreams of buckles and titles become reality? Or will the character-building adversities of her life quash her dreams forever?”

Series: Book #2 is currently being written.

Spiritual Content- Many Prayers, Thanking God & blessings over food; A few Scriptures are mentioned, quoted & remembered; Church going (for a funeral); Talks about God, pleasing Him & forgiving; ‘H’s are capital when referring to God; Crissy wonders at one point if God hates them; Mentions of God; Mentions of prayers & answered prayers; Mentions of Church going, churches & a pastor; A few mentions of Heaven; A few mentions of miracles; A couple mentions of Thanking God; Matthew 5:44 at the end;
*Note: A mention of a demon from hell chasing a horse.

Negative Content- Minor cussing including: a ‘dadgum you’, a ‘dang it’, a ‘doggone’, a ‘freakin’’, a form of ‘idiot’, a ‘moron’, a ‘sissy’, a ‘sucker’, a ‘what the—‘, a ‘what the dickens’, two ‘blah, blah, blah’s, two ‘crap’s, two ‘crummy’s, two ‘what in tarnation’s, six forms of ‘dumb’, six forms of ‘stinkin’’, eight forms of ‘shut up’, fourteen forms of ‘dang’, twenty forms of ‘stupid’; a few mentions of curses (said, not written); Smart mouths & sass; Prejudice towards a Chinese boy & racial slurs; A mean girl, her mean father & their hatred; A drunk father severely beats his daughter & injuries/blood (semi-detailed); Fighting, Kicking, Slapping/Hitting, Pain, Blood, & Injuries (up to semi-detailed); A boy is almost choked to death (up to semi-detailed); Hurrying to save a horse from colic & foundering (up to semi-detailed); An injuries horse & blood (up to semi-detailed); A horse is put down (shot, up to semi-detailed); A tornado & injuries (up to semi-detailed); Mentions of punching someone & blood (up to semi-detailed); Mentions of dogs attacking & killing a goat and the carcass (up to semi-detailed); Mentions of beatings & injuries (up to semi-detailed); Mentions of assaults; Mentions of pain; Mentions of a funeral & death (barely-above-not-detailed); Mentions of if looks could kill; Mentions of alcohol & drunks; Mentions of cigars & tobacco; Mentions of horse manure; Mentions of bullies & being pushed; Mentions of threats; Mentions of gossip & mean words; Mentions of lies & lying; A couple mentions of throwing up; A mention of road kill;
*Note: A couple mentions of designer clothes (Miss Me jeans & a Reba blouse).

Sexual Content- A couple Embraces; Mentions of blushes; A couple mentions of a good-looking boy; A mention of kissing cousins;
*Note: A mention of a dog’s fat bottom; A mention of landing on a fanny; A mention of someone landing on their butt; A mention of throwing someone’s skinny butt in a pool of water/mud; A mention of kicking someone’s butt; A couple mentions of a horse biting someone’s backside.

-Crissy Crosby, age 13
1st person P.O.V. of Crissy
178 pages

Pre Teens- One Star
New Teens- One Star
Early High School Teens- One Star (and a half)
Older High School Teens- Two Stars
My personal Rating- One Star (and a half)
{Add ½ to a full star for horse lovers and/or rodeo fans/}
Even though I’m from Texas, I’m not one for rodeos. I actually can count on one hand how many times I’ve even been on a horse. ;) While for a 1st person POV of a 13year old, this was pretty well written and the message of forgiveness that came up near the end was nice, I had difficulty reading the few racial slurs against Chun and the scenes of a father beating his daughter. Because of those parts, I would give a warning of caution for girls interested in this book.

Link to review:

*BFCG may (Read the review to see) recommend this book by this author. It does not mean I recommend all the books by this author.
*I received this book for free from the Author for this honest review.