A review by obsidian_blue
The Sweetest Dream by Doris Lessing


I initially got this book to read for The Dead Writers Society Literary Birthday. But it took forever for me to get, and by the time I started/finished October was over. So unfortunately it doesn't count.

That said, I wish I had skipped this book. It was all over the place with too many characters/motivations and just horrible choices of all concerned.

I really don't want to even get too into this book besides the basics. A man named Johnny Lennox raised in the lap of luxury for his times and place eventually rebels against his family and becomes a communist. He marries a woman named Frances and they have two sons. Because of communist teachings, Johnny is loathe to take anything from his father or his mother Julia. The whole book really is about all of these people, Johnny's second or maybe third wife, his wife's daughter Sylvia, and the two sons (Andrew and Colin) friends who end up all descending on Julia's home through the years.

The whole book felt very scattered to me and I honestly was bored. I didn't really like anyone save for Julia. A German woman moving to England with her husband and having to deal with the fact that her son becomes a selfish stranger.

I assume there's a larger point to this story, about how those who once were all for communist after World War II eventually fell way to the god of capitalism or something. But seriously, these people felt like cartoon characters after a while.