A review by awellkeptlife
A Room Swept White by Sophie Hannah


I can see why some people liked the work. It wasn't your typical superficial mystery novel. There was indeed some intelligent thought and writing put into the book, and for that it was well done. I, personally, felt the book fell a bit flat for me. Maybe it was all of the moveable parts (shifting of perspectives) and such that made it harder to follow. This was made worse because I would frequently pick up the book and have to set it aside for days without picking it up again as that is usually how life goes with three small children. But if the book is holding my attention, I can typically jump back into it quicker and with more eagerness to do so. This was not the case for me with this book. I felt that the numerous jumps and breaks in character perspective left me feeling apathetic to anyone in the book. I didn't really take an interest until I hit page 300 hundred or so and then I felt compelled to see it to the end. Several times I felt like ditching the book, but the plot was thick enough to keep me engaged, even if at times that engagement was unsteady and wobbly. I would recommend this book, if you enjoy mystery novels and have a bit of time initially upfront to invest. Once you have a hold of who is who and their roles, it goes much quicker. I also would mention that I read the US copy that was sold alone as Cradle in The Grave. This UK title appears to be part of a series so that might have some factor into my experience.