A review by andras
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team (Manga Edition): An Illustrated Leadership Fable by Patrick Lencioni


The story is very engaging, I read it in one sitting. I liked the cliff-hangers and the suspense throughout the book ("Who's gonna be fired at the next retreat, tell me already!"). The model of dysfunctions built on top of each other made sense to me, and I see how they lead to bad results. I think my own team is highly functional in general and this story made me realize why trust and conflict are so important. It made me appreciate that we have it, and I'll work hard on keeping it going. However, I also recognized how we sometimes follow dysfunctional patterns, and how they might lead to sub-optimal outcomes. While most of the prescriptions presented here were too corporate-y for my taste, just recognizing the problems seems to be getting me halfway to solving them.

All models are wrong, some models are useful. This is a useful one, presented in a highly engaging style. Read it if you work in a team.