A review by astrape
Harry Potter y el Cáliz de Fuego by J.K. Rowling


Is it 4am right now? Yes. Did I just finish this? Indeed. A lot running through my head rn.
I was scared at first because it's one of the first long books that I read. And, finally, a first-time HP read, so I didn't know a thing about it (well maybe one or two that were spoilers oops, not my fault).
But oh, dear mother. Not one of the books has not made me cry my eyes out so far. This is gonna be a little bit all over the place.
First of all, when Dumbledore said "Harry Potter". I LOST IT. But everyone's reactions, honestly, wth. The VIOLENCE I felt towards everybody but Dumbledore, Hermione and Hagrid. I swear. I felt helpless: student's responses, Rita Skittles messing with the article (she must be the character I hate the most), the "Potter Stinks" pins, and... Ron? Like, seriously man? I forgive him though -_- .
On the other hand, Cedric, my precious. Goodness itself. It's a problem at this point, but everytime I grow fond of someone and they die, I feel like it was someone close to me that did. I read that scene multiple times and it took me a couple of minutes to get past it. It gave my heart a little twist, like the very dagger that was used to bring back Voldemort was playing inside it.
Oh, and before I forget... CRABBE AND GOYLE HAHAH I screamed. That was for real the most unexpected thing in the whole book.
Anyways, the last few chapters: plot after plot. Never have I read this fast in my life. Now I'm in desperate need to tell everyone about this.
I'm happy, I'm sad, I'm mad.
I don't know what else to say.



- Quidditch World Cup
- Portkey
- Moody
- Triwizard Tournament
- Beauxbatons/Durmstrangs