A review by inahreads
My Unscripted Life by Lauren Morrill


This was my first Lauren Morrill book and I can't say yet if it's going to be my last because even though I enjoyed some parts, I just didn't feel so connected with the characters.

I guess I'm the party pooper in this parade because I've been seeing tons of good reviews for this book which made me really excited to read it. But there's just too many cliches to start off, and I know I said that cliches sometimes work for me, but not this time.

I quite like Dee's personality and her passion for art and actually being responsible, but most of the time I just feel indifferent and disconnected. It's a little surprising that I even got to finish the book. But here's the thing, it wasn't really boring and I did smile at times, it's just that most of the time I don't feel anything. I didn't even like Milo for like, half of the book. His character was a slow progress and I hated that he had to front himself as a jerk and I have to admit I'm a little done with that trope.

I wish there were more interactions between Dee and her bestfriend, Naz. I really live for strong female friendships or just any friendships in general and I felt that the book was a bit lacking in that aspect. I also think that the romance between Dee and Milo was very rushed, so I didn't get the appreciate and enjoy it all that much.

I love Lauren Morrill's writing style though. That's why I'm a little conflicted if I should try her other books, but maybe I will. I think this book wasn't really just for me. I also love how it delves a little deeper with the film production aspects, I found it very technical and full of information and I learned a lot about film making and being on set because of this book. I can say give this book a try if you love the whole actor-falling-in-love-with-an-average-person type of thing. Maybe you'll enjoy it better than I did.