A review by stormiclouds
Love in C Minor by Mindy Hayes, Mindy Michele, Michele G. Miller


Oh my goodness! Y'all! This book!! I adore small town romances and brother's best friend is my favorite romance trope. Love in C Minor has both of those things! Plus, it has the magic and emotion that is born every time Mindy Michele touches a keyboard. This story transported me right to the town of Ellbury and had me feeling every ounce of angst, adrenaline, love, laughter, and anger right along with the characters.

And oh my goodness, those characters! I see a lot of Reagan in myself, but I think I would love her anyways. Her spunky, independent side is my favorite. Especially, when she has a snappy comeback. Lincoln is such a protective big brother, which I think is adorable, even though I can relate to Reagan's frustration with him at times. I love the little glimpses we get into his life throughout Ridley and Reagan's story. When Lincoln and Reagan have their sweet sibling moments, it made me 'awww' and my heart happy. There is definitely a soft teddy bear under Lincoln's prickly exterior.

And that brings me to Ridley. Ridley Goss. That man is definitely not Really Gross. He has such a big heart and combines sweet and sexy in all the best of ways. Ridley is true country boy with muscles in all the right places, he plays guitar and sings, he dotes on his little sisters, and loves his mama. *falls head over heals* If you want to know what to get me for my birthday, just mail me Ridley Goss.

Now comes the hard part, waiting until July for part 2 of this duet. Y'all know how I love the angst that comes with a great cliffhanger, but this one is a doozy and I NEED to know what happens next! I can't wait until July...and not just because it's my birthday month and July Fourth is my second favorite holiday.

In short, this story is passionate and extraordinary and you should have one-clicked it yesterday.

I voluntarily received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.