A review by gettinglostinagoodbook
Deadline by Sandra Brown


I loved this book! I loved Dawson!
Despite everything Dawson has been through, and his attempts at being a grumpy old man, I really enjoyed his character. He was refreshingly different to me. Tough to the core, until playing in the sand with two little boys. Smart and observant, but understanding enough not to point out when others are less aware. Dawson made this book for me. He drew the characters together with a common thread, and I saw them through his eyes.
Jeremy Wesson was also a strong character. Not necessarily likeable but I couldn't hate home either. Good job Brown - you showed us that even evil people ca have a good side (ok, maybe not Jeremy's dad, but...)
Particulars don't seem important in this book, although I remember most of it easily. I think it was more the feelings and the lessons I took from this book that made me enjoy it so much. Oh that - and the lack of the predictable!