A review by cowgirlcrybaby
Brutes by Dizz Tate


4.5 ⭐️ TLDR; when your circle small but y’all are crazy - “like a cherry pie shimmering with roaches.” Ethel Cain meets Sharp Objects meets Bunny by Mona Awad.……. And directed by Sofia Coppola. Jesus Christ - witty, tragic, weird, and suffocating meditations on the horrors of girlhood and growing up in small Florida town. This was not at all what I thought it was going to be but not upset at what I got, never really read anything quite like this. The prose really stopped me in my tracks at times, Tate has a way of saying so much with so little. But the rotating POVs were a bit hard to follow, same with the “fantasy” elements but by the end I chalked those up to embellished childhood imagination and do think they really added to the story. Beware of TW, didn’t see anything about that before reading but touches on themes of child SA. Solid 4.5 imo~