A review by darwin8u
Short Cuts: Selected Stories by Robert Altman, Raymond Carver


“The past is unclear. It's as if there is a film over those early years. I can't even be sure that the things I remember happening really happened to me.”
― Raymond Carver, "So Much Water So Close to Home" in Short Cuts


Four stars mainly because there isn't much new here. Great here? Absolutely. Most of it is fantastic. Altman loved Carver and you can tell in the movie and his selections of stories. My first introduction to Carver was watching Altman's Short Cuts while still in high school. I liked the film, felt something brutal, raw and strong in the film, but really wasn't old enough to appreciate the source (or Altman's take on it). I probably also didn't have enough lemons in my life to appreciate stories like "A Small, Good Thing" or a poem like "Lemonade". This is as good a place as any to jump into Carver, but I'd seriously recommend any of his collections. He is a master of minimalism, emotion, and humanity.

1. "Neighbors"+* - ★★★★★
2. "They're Not Your Husband"+* - ★★★★
3. "Vitamins"+ - ★★★★
4. "Will You Please Be Quiet, Please?"* - ★★★★★
5. "So Much Water So Close to Home"+ - ★★★★★
6. "A Small, Good Thing"+ - ★★★★★
7. "Jerry and Molly and Sam"* - ★★★★★
8. "Collectors"+*- ★★★★★
9. "Tell the Women We're Going"# - ★★★★★
10 "Lemonade" (poem) - ★★★★

* from Will You Please Be Quiet, Please?
+ from Where I'm Calling From
# from What We Talk About, When We Talk Abotu Love