A review by uditnair24
Food Rules: An Eater's Manual by Michael Pollan


Let's just call this book the manifesto for healthy food regime. The author needs to be commended for packaging the information precisely and succinctly. Most of the rules mentioned in the book are highly scientific and backed by research. Along with that there are many food wisdom which has been passed on since generations. I was sold at the start only when author pointed out that nutrition science is still an emerging field and as a result many of the food wisdom are yet to be tested. But it is important to know that the food wisdom has been tested over generations and hence might be more sound when seen in the light of evolutionary science.

The author describes the whole concept of the book in seven words that is Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants. Now why he says this can be explored throughout the rules mentioned in the book.

Some of my favourite rules from the book are -
1. Avoid food products that make health claims. Most likely they are processed foods.
2. Eat only foods that will eventually rot. The more processed a food is, the longer the shelf life and the less nutritious it typically is.
3.If it came from a plant, eat it ; if it was made in a plant,dont.
4.Eat wild foods when one can. Because the fields and forests are crowded with plants containing higher levels of nutrients and phytochemicals.
5.Dont eat breakfast cereals that change the color of the milk.
6.Eat all the junk food you want as long as you cook it yourself.
7. Eat less because we as humans eat much more than what our body requires and the excess wreaks havoc.