A review by kylie111
Garden of Thorns and Light by Shylah Addante


slow at the beginning. i wish there was a way i could describe how heartfelt this was, especially at the end.

the love connection, slowly building between amethyst and ben was actually adorable. she was so naive. why was she so clumsy in the beginning and then nothing more on it throughout the rest of the book? i get character development but i mean there were like 3 pages on how clumsy she was? and then no more after. okayyyy????

the back and forth and back and forth between ben and amethysts growing connection was driving me crazy. it was almost like there was no real desire to think about making an actual relationship plot for the book so just the bare minimum was done.

meeting gramps…. that was so rushed. way too quick, came out of the freaking blue. hey, let me just take you on a trip, not tell you where we are going or why, just “we are going to see your grandfather” LOL okay??
there should have been more to it than THAT but whatever i didn’t write it.

thennnnn we rush through how to magically grow things, out of nowhere with new found fairy magic and on her second try she gets a whole ass belladonna plant? okay yea go for it. sure thing.

now that i can grow a plant that kills, let’s go murder my aunt in the woods!!!! yayyyy here we go. then with no hesitation or suspicion from the other fairies and here we go! quick gotta fly and drown the lights! oh she’s not dead? how? gasp! fight fight fight!!!! oh no? my mom? she’s there! gotta free her before i’m a fairy light!

basically, the ending was so rushed. i mean, i rushed to read it, i was sobbing because of ben still, and more now that i finished it. tragic. ben and amethyst really just never got their shining moment. we could have at least had the movie date now.

i liked it all in all. it was a good book. i gave it 5 stars, it kept me interested, but ending? too rushed.