A review by longtimereader
Innocent by


Carlyn Kearney's husband is gone. He went off to the war and she has been alone since then. That was two years ago. Unable to sustain herself, Carlyn loses her home and finds herself in destitution. Harmony Hill, the Shaker community is known to help those in need, and she fits those qualifications. While Shakers do not marry, they aren't trying to force others into their life style if they don't want to do so. That leaves an opening, and a quandary for Mitchell Brodie. He really likes Carlyn, but is her husband alive, or dead? You can't have a romantic relationship with or marry a woman who is married! Mitchell was in the war himself, and is healing. He is also a rather wise sheriff.

Things get very interesting when a murder occurs. Asher, Carlyn's dog is fantastic. I loved him! This was another really good book that stands alone or can be read in this series. You might think that being with a Shaker theme romance wouldn't be available, but Gabhart finds ways to show us what that life might have been like for others and the Shakers as well. She brings in wonderful characters and this book shows God's grace and how it is grace we should remember to be under, not the law.

My copy of this book came from Revell in exchange for my honest review and nothing more.