A review by chivon
Flux: A Smoldering Cyberpunk and Tech Billionaire High-Stakes Romance by Becky Banks


I absolutely loved this book . It was filled w tech and hacking , which took you on a wild ride and held such tension .
Vega flux and her sister Scout , along with best friends : Peace and Cindy are on the run from a shady past and are looking to be free and legal .
Hoyt is a retired NFL Hawaiian hottie who now runs a successful tech security company . Hot broody billionaire , check please .
Vega and Hoyt cross paths and their energy sends them up in flames . They compliment each other and face many trials along this journey to figure out if they can survive and be with one another .
Great found family and hacking vibes , steamy sexy scenes were excuted well , the culture was represented so well ( loved his fam ) and a HEA.
Great book 4 stars !
I was given an arc in exchange for an honest review . Thanks