A review by lynecia
Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed


Reeling from the death of her mother, young Cheryl Strayed proceeds to wreck her marriage, watches her family crumble, and her life path furthers its descent when she begins to dabble in a dangerous drug addiction. Wanting to begin to heal and piece her life back together - she decides to spend the summer of 1993 (?) hiking the Pacific Crest Trail - alone. Twenty six - and inexperienced at hiking (though rather outdoorsy, via her rustic Minnesota upbringing) - she sets off on the journey of a lifetime. A foolish undertaking, to be sure, but one that ended up changing her deeply, finding strength she didn't know she had.

What I appreciated most of all was her honesty here. I found her brave -- and self-centered - and vulnerable -- and insufferable. She wasn't afraid to put all of herself out there, flaws first, to tell her story and I commend her for it. Though I can't relate to her grief, nor the way she behaved in light of her circumstances, I COULD relate to the crossroads that she was at in her life when she decided to leave everything and trek from the Mojave all the way to Oregon.

She was 26, on the verge of 27, the same age as I am now, wondering what in the hell life would be like from that point on? Desperate to make sense of the things that happened to her, to find some purpose and meaning in it and mostly just really fucking scared, but journeying forward anyway!