A review by susanthebookbag
I'm Fine and Neither Are You by Camille Pagán


The usual response when someone asks "How are you?" is "I'm fine. How are you?". We're all fine, aren't we? But so many of those times, we really aren't fine. And how much do we really know someone, when realistically, we aren't completely honest with one another?

Penny thought she knew her best friend Jenny so well and was envious of her seemingly perfect life. But when that all comes crashing down, Penny takes a good look at her own life and decides some changes need to be made. But can she, her marriage, and her family survive those changes?

I loved I'm Fine and Neither Are You. I loved it because it was a story with relatable characters that drew me in and who I immediately cared about. I also loved it because it shows that no one is perfect, everyone has issues, and that we all need to remember we don't really know what someone else is going through. And lastly, this story reminded me that we need to be honest and let others know what and how we are feeling. They won't know if we don't tell them, leading them to believe that everything is 'fine'.

I'm Fine and Neither Are You is a wonderful look at all kinds of relationships and what it means to be honest in those relationships. You definitely should add it to your must-read book list.